Events in 2012
- Equifest 2012 -- September 22, 2012 -- Orangeville Fairgrounds. Liw will have a table, information about the benefits of Craniosacral Therapy for both horses and riders. Stop by for a chat, or to take advantage of the show specials! This event is organized by the Women's Horse Owner Association (W.H.O.A)
Demonstrations in 2011
- November, 2012 - Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Toronto, Ontario. Three demos on two different days, in the Educational Ring of the Ontario Equestrian Federation "Spirit of the Horse" exhibit
- May 29, 2011 - Demo at Trillium Hunter Jumper Show at Greystone, Collingwood/Stayner, Ontario
- June 5, 2011 - Equine Craniosacral Therapy at Equifest, Organized by WHOA at the Orangeville Fairgrounds, Orangeville, ON
Demonstrations in 2010
- February 16, 2010 - WHOA meeting at Petlyn Farm - "Benefits of Bodywork and demonstrations" - Presented collaboratively with Liz Sleight, Bowen and EMRT Practitioner
- June 6, 2010 - Equine Massage demo at Equifest, organized by WHOA at the Orangeville Fairgrounds
- Nov 2010: Educational demonstration at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair (Nov 5-14, 2010) with the Ontario Equestrian Federation
- November 6 at 11:30 and 5:30
- November 8 at 11:30 and 4:30
- November 12 at 10 and 2:30
Demonstrations and Interviews in 2009
- October 3, 2009 - Equine Massage demo at Loralee Farms as part of the Hills of the Headwaters Stable tour
- October 17, 2009 - Equine Massage demo at Troy Vet Clinic starting at approximately 12:30
- October 23, 2009 - Liw will be on the Daytime show on Rogers TV (out of Barrie) for 10 min between 11-noon talking about equine-assisted learning and personal development (See the Rogers TV site for 10-minute video of Liw's interview)
- November 21, 2009 - (rescheduled) Equine Massage demo at Harmony Hills Stable (west of Collingwood) at 2 pm
- December 13, 2009 - Equine Massage demo at Pine Hollow Stables (south of Cambridge) starting at 1pm -- Contact me to include your horse on this day!